Prayers for Disability Knowledge
Prayers for knowledge to welcome and include all in your Parish

Prayer for an Open Mind
Loving God,
I pray that you give me an open heart and open mind
Help me to welcome those who are different from me into Your Church
I pray that you give me the courage to want to learn and the wisdom to understand
I want to help my community grow in love, charity and perspective
I desire to grow my relationship with you, my God, through helping others feel embraced in the church.
Prayer for Knowledge of Disability
May these practices give me perspective and help me to understand my role in the bigger cause. May these practices encourage future activism by The Church. May this enhance the faith of many and may my knowledge of disability be enriched and my faith be forever changed. Amen.

Prayer to Foster Belonging
(From the National Catholic Partnership on Disability)
Creator God, we are your people.
We look to the future with optimism and with faith in You, as we pursue our call to provide justice and fullness of life for all people with disabilities.
We pray that every man, woman and child may develop and meet You in themselves and in one another.
May we enjoy a totally welcoming community, with You as our center, joined hand-in-hand with our sisters and brothers.
We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
(Based by the pastoral statement of US Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities)